Welcome to the STAND at ELAC Research Program

Create a secure account to register.

First Name
Middle Name
Last Name
Mobile Phone
Email (Username)

Password must contain:

  • Minimum of 8 characters
  • At least one upper case letter
  • At least one lower case letter
  • At least one number
  • At least one special characters (!,$,#,%)
Emergency Contact Name
Emergency Contact Mobile Phone
How did you hear about STAND at ELAC?
What are the two most challenging things that you’re currently dealing with?
What would you like to achieve from this program? (Choose all that apply)

Returning User? Sign in

Get started by following these easy steps:

  1. Create an account and login
  2. Verify your phone number and email address*
  3. Agree to the STAND at ELAC Research Program consent
  4. Fill out your account and demographic information
  5. Schedule your orientation to complete your personalized wellness assessment

*We verify your contact information to secure your data, determine eligibility, and may contact you regarding your responses, if necessary. By creating an account, you agree to receive communications from the STAND at ELAC Research Program.